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Christian Schoeler

Born 1978 in Hagen, Germany / Died 2015 in Cologne


It is with profound sadness that we have to announce the death of German painter Christian Schoeler (1978 – 2015).

For the past two years, he had been unable to paint and never fully recovered from the illness that was to prevent him from continuing to expand his reinterpretation of the portrait genre and his exploration of still lifes and landscapes. The fragility of his works owes its existence as much to the careful rendering of light as it does to the translation of his own sensuous experiences into painting. He leaves behind an ardent body of work that is the documentation of his drive for creating an intimate connection between viewer and model but whose overarching idea we have yet to discern.

Christian Schoeler died on December 28 at the age of 38 in Cologne.


In tiefer Trauer geben wir den Tod des deutschen Malers Christian Schoeler bekannt (1978 - 2015).

In den letzten zwei Jahren war es ihm nicht mehr möglich zu malen und eine schwere Krankheit hinderte ihn daran seine Neuinterpretation des Portraitgenres, des Stilllebens und der Landschaft fortzuführen. Die Zerbrechlichkeit seiner Arbeiten ist sowohl dem malerischen Umgang des Lichts als auch der Übersetzung seiner eigenen körperlichen Erfahrungen auf die Oberfläche der Leinwand geschuldet. Er hinterlässt ein glühendes Oeuvre, das die Dokumentation seines Dranges bildet eine hochintime Beziehung zwischen Betrachter und Modell zu erschaffen; die Fülle seiner Ideen jedoch bleibt eine für uns zu entdeckende.

Christian Schoeler ist am 28.Dezember im Alter von 38 Jahren in Köln gestorben.

Untitled, 2009
Oil on canvas on wood
60 x 50 cm

Untitled, 2009Oil on canvas on wood60 x 50 cm

Untitled, 2009
Oil on canvas on wood
60 x 50 cm

Untitled, 2009
Oil on canvas on wood
210 x 98 cm

Untitled, 2010Oil on canvas on wood60 x 40 cm

Untitled, 2010
Oil on canvas on wood
60 x 40 cm

Installation, dam Likes Apples at Schuebbe Inc.

Untitled, 2009/10
Oil on canvas on wood
90 x 125 cm

Untitled, 2012
Mixed media, oil on canvas on wood
60 x 40 cm

Untitled, 2010
Mixed media and oil on canvas on wood
91 x 120 cm
Private Collection London

Untitled, 2013
Mixed media, oil on canvas on wood
100 x 75 cm

Untitled, 2012
Mixed media, oil on canvas on wood
75 x 50 cm

Untitled, 2012
Mixed media, oil on canvas on wood
75 x 50 cm